Tuesday, February 2, 2010

EHESP Joins with Other Institutions to Create a Research Consortium

In France there is a relatively unique approach to coordinating research and graduate education through a series of center for research and higher education, or “Poles de recherché et d’enseignement supérieur” (PRES). This mechanism was created in 2006 by the “Pacte sur la Recherche” and was intended to facilitate the process of decentralization in the research and academic community. This is part of a larger trend toward institutional autonomy promoted by the current government. Valerie Pecresse, French Minister of Higher Education and Research, described it this way in 2009:
The development of these centers of research and higher education naturally accompanies the gradual accession of our universities toward autonomy. In these centers, all of the actors in research and education can cooperate and unite their diverse forces to meet their common goals.

Since 2007, 16 PRES have emerged with the most recent being the Université Paris Cité – EHESP, Rennes the latest to organize. This consortium was approved in December and has 7 founding members:
EHESP, (École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique)
New Sorbonne University (Paris 3) www.univ-paris3.fr/
Paris Descartes (Paris 5) www.univ-paris5.fr/
Paris Diderot (Paris 7) www.univ-paris-diderot.fr/
Sciences Po www.sciences-po.fr
Inalco www.inalco.fr/
Institut Physique du Globe de Paris www.ipgp.fr/
Paris North University (Paris 13) (associate member) www.univ-paris13.fr

A summary of the programs and its aims is posted on the EHESP website in English (www.ehesp.fr/universite-paris-cite/). This structure will allow for more cross-disciplinary work in public health and allow students and investigators in a wide range of institutions to work jointly on projects.

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